Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Dating Scene Part Deux (think Hot Shots)

I've gone on a couple of dates over the past week and things are weird. Weird in the sense that I'd don't know if I'm really ready to date. Weird in the sense that I feel like I'm back in 10th grade - fumbling, mumbling, fidgetting and being awkward around the opposite sex. What's wrong with me?


Marie said...

Dude I'm the same way, and I am NOT awkward around men generally, in any regard. I don't know how to be conventional and as weird as the situation I'm in is, the "dating" aspect has been retardedly conventional. And I think that might be the same boat you're in. We come from a much more laid back place.

charles said...

I thought you both got by, by being easy...

Is that not enough now a days?


My word verification to leave this comment was "HOMART"

Marie said...